domingo, 26 de abril de 2020


Esta receta para hacer plastilina es muy sencilla. Solo necesitáis dos ingredientes: 1 taza de almidón de maíz (Maizena) y media taza de acondicionador de pelo o crema corporal. Puede colorearse con colorantes alimentarios o también añadirle purpurina.

Esta plastilina casera es muy suave al tacto, blanda y fácil de manejar. Puede guardarse varias semanas, bien envuelta en film transparente y conservada dentro de un recipiente hermético.

Cloud Dough

2 ingredient playdough recipe.
Prep Time5 mins
5 mins
Keyword: cloud dough, cornstarch playdough


  • 1/2 cup lotion regular lotion or baby lotion
  • 1 cup cornstarch also called cornflour


  • Add 1/2 cup of lotion to a bowl. Add 1-2 drops of the food coloring (if using concentrated gel, if using regular food coloring you'll need more drops to color) and mix. 
    Mix Food Coloring with Conditioner
  • Mix the lotion and food coloring until combined.
    Mix Until Blended with Lotion
  • Add 1 cup of cornstarch and mix.
    Add Cornstarch to Lotion for Cloud Dough
  • Mix until combined.
    Mix Together Lotion and Cornstarch
  • Then take out the dough and place on some wax paper. Knead with your hands (you may want gloves here so your hands don't stain). Keep kneading until it forms a dough-like consistency. If it's still too sticky add another tablespoon of cornstarch. 
    Knead the Cloud Dough


Repeat recipe for each color you would like to make. 

Y aquí un vídeo con el proceso:

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